
The Kate Mullin Scholarship

The Association Scholarship 3has established the Kate Mullin Scholarship Fund to raise funds and administer the Scholarship Program.  This program is to assist Aboriginal people from remote communities (e.g. Aboriginal Education Workers) to study to become teachers, and then return to work in schools in their communities.  This will strengthen local capacity in relation to teaching Aboriginal literacy, bringing in teachers who will be there for the longer term, adding much-needed bi-linguScholarship 1al and bi-cultural abilities, and providing strong role models for Aboriginal youth.  This will also help address the fundamental problem Aboriginal schools have in finding and keeping teachers.

In 2022 we will offer up to 2 scholarships to suitable students who will be enrolled in teacher training at Curtin University.  The Scholarship is $5,000 pa renewable after each year.  The financial support will assist students with travel to and from Perth, accommodation and living expenses and other study requirements.  More information on the Scholarship can be found here: Scholarship Information 2022.

Recently Curtin University produced a video to celebrate the strong connection between their On-Country Teacher Education Program and the Kate Mullin Scholarship.  The video can be viewed here:

If you wish to donate to the Scholarship Fund, please click here.  All donations to the Scholarship Fund are tax-deductible and upon receipt of funds you will be emailed a tax receipt.