Scholarship Awardees

Kate Mullin Scholarship Awardees

Current Awardees

Samantha Little, Curtin University On Country Program

Samantha is a dedicated mother of five from Derby, and is someone who has devoted over a decade to the Education Department.  She is deeply passionate about creating opportunities for children to thrive academically and personally.  Her journey into the field of education began over 14 years ago when she first stepped into a classroom as an Aboriginal Islander Education Officer. Witnessing the transformative power of education firsthand, she was inspired to pursue a career in teaching.

As a mother she is reminded of the immense responsibility and joy that comes with nurturing young minds, the invaluable lessons about patience, empathy, and the importance of fostering a supportive learning environment where every child feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential.

She firmly believes education is the key to unlocking doors of opportunity and breaking the cycle of poverty and inequality. By providing children with access to quality education, we are not only equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed academically but also empowering them to become compassionate, informed, and engaged members of society.

She feels more Indigenous teachers are needed to bring about educational transformation. Participating in the “On Country” program has opened doors for her to participate in additional pedagogical practices at my school, expanding her horizons and providing her with invaluable experience. She also feels every child should have the chance to go to school, and that education can help close the gap between Australia’s indigenous and non-indigenous communities.


Jacqueline Hunter, Curtin University On Country Program

Jacqueline is a Bardi person from the community of Ardiyooloon at One Arm Point, in the west Kimberley.  She has worked at the school there for about 20 years  – as a school officer, AIEO and Aboriginal Education Manager Program Coordinator.  She chose to work at the school as she loved working with children and wanted to support them with their education.

Her hobbies outside of work and studies are going out on country hunting, fishing, playing basketball, reading books, and doing art.  She is one of the artists of the community and some of her art works have gone internationally.

She enjoys the Curtin “On Country” Teaching program as it allows her to work and study online at home, as well as going to the campus to study face to face.  She chose to study education because she is passionate about the quality of education she can deliver to the children of One Arm Point.


Shanae McGuire, Central Queensland University

Shanae is a Noongar Ballardong Whadjuk woman, living in the Geraldton region and is in the 2nd year of a Bachelor of Education (Primary).  As an Aboriginal Education Officer she knows the importance of involving families in the school community for learning opportunities, and of having positive relationships with organisations to whom she can refer families.  She also volunteers time to connect with stakeholders and community organisations within the Geraldton region to ensure she can build relationships with children and families within her area.

Getting the Kate Mullin Scholarship will allow her to continue her community involvement whilst studying, by easing the financial pressures. The funds will go towards books, teaching programs and subscriptions that have assisted in her education degree thus far.


Krystle Devine, Curtin University

Krystle is a proud Malgana woman from Shark Bay, WA, currently living in Tom Price, the home of her husband’s family the Muntulgura Guruma people. Krystle is in her 2nd year of a Bachelor of Education (Primary). After the birth of her daughter, she completed a bridging course through CDU in 2021 to be accepted into Curtin University in 2022 to start her academic journey. Having three precious young children, she values the importance of high quality teachers and believes education is the key to generational change and opportunity. The importance of building trust with indigenous students through reciprocity, cultural consideration and getting to know the students and their learning abilities encourages lifelong learning. She is passionate about enhancing the literacy outcomes of indigenous students and creating a safe, supported, and welcoming learning environment that empowers students to become confident communicators, imaginative thinkers, and informed citizens.

The Kate Mullin Scholarship has provided guidance and support and contributed to her tuition fees, enabling her to continue her studies by easing the financial pressures. In her spare time, she raises awareness and funds for cystic fibrosis and volunteers in the community. She sees her most important role as being a good mother and role model for their children.


Shanae Tesling, Central Queensland University

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Shanae is an energetic, fast-learning, friendly, and hard-working young woman.  She is studying for a B. Ed. (Primary) at CQU through their campus in Geraldton.  Prior to studying, Shanae worked at Champion Bay Senior High School as an Aboriginal Education Officer.

She has strong time management and collaboration skills developed from various sporting and school engagements – she is strongly involved with local basketball and netball clubs as umpire, coach and player, has in the past been selected as a Student Councillor, and was Artist in Residence at Rangeway Primary School during NAIDOC Week.


2022 Awardees

Brianna Taylor-Ellison, Curtin University, On-Country Program

BriannaBrianna is from Derby and has aspired to be a teacher from a young age.  After graduating from university she wants to work in remote Aboriginal communities.  She works as an AIEO at Derby District High School, and does after-school tutoring with the Follow the Dream academy.  Translating the learning content for students is something she does daily in her role and which she enjoys.

She says “I am learning that there needs to be more Indigenous teachers to create change in education.  I believe that education paves the way to bridging the gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australia and am a firm believer that every child has the right to an education.”



Shanice Flemming, Curtin University On-Country Program

ShaniceShanice is from Broome and is an AIEO at the local Primary School.  She has experienced the educational disadvantages that children in regional and remote communities receive compared to the much richer educational opportunities children in metropolitan areas receive.  She has also seen how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are treated by teachers who may not understand their lifestyles, their learning abilities, and/or their understanding of cultures.  She has now become the voice for all students from all cultural backgrounds and has become an advocate for students with educational disadvantages.

She wants to teach in an Aboriginal school upon graduation.  Her values are culture, respect, commitment, trust and excellence.  Working at a school with a high proportion of Aboriginal students would give her the opportunity to convey these values to the students and to build connections with students and staff through their cultures and their love of learning.



Past Graduates

Brooke Cuthbertson

Brooke completed her B.Ed at ECU.  Working as an Aboriginal Liaison Officer, she identified that the reading abilities of indigenous students were significantly less than non-Indigenous students at the school.  As a result she is very passionate about working closely with indigenous students, their families, and their communities to close the gap in education.   She understands the transformative impact that education can have on the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

She is currently employed as Program Coordinator for Shooting Stars in Collie Senior High School, where she works with over 40 Aboriginal girls, combining advocacy and support, engagement activities, motivators, and health and wellbeing sessions to strengthen students’ confidence, cultural identity, and positive attitudes, while promoting their health and wellbeing.  She aspires to use her teaching qualification to continue this important work within the Noongar community.

The Kate Mullin Scholarship enabled her to undertake her nine-week professional practicum and has inspired her to help others and to give back to the community as a teacher.

Sarah Callow

Sarah Callow s“Since receiving the Kate Mullin Scholarship, I have completed my Bachelor of Primary Education in which I received a High Distinction (mark of 100) for my final internship unit. This occurred at Victoria Park Primary School in Perth and was an incredible experience. Upon completion of my studies, I moved to Kalgoorlie and began relief teaching at Boulder Primary School for the remaining half of Term 3. I have developed my behaviour management skills, gained experience of classroom routines and worked adaptably across a variety of year levels. I then received a contract for full time employment at Kambalda West District High School for Term 4. Currently, I am living in Kambalda and teaching Year 4/5. The Kate Mullin Scholarship has been of great value to me during my final semester of online study in Esperance; my final internship placement in Perth; and the following employment opportunities in regional towns Kalgoorlie and Kambalda. My future plans involve teaching in regional and remote Western Australia and continually developing my reflective teaching practice. I would like to thank the Kate Mullin Association for their contribution in making my transition from study to full time employment in education smooth and successful. I look forward to the teaching opportunities that arise in regional and remote W.A. for me to explore, broaden my teaching knowledge and honour Kate Mullin’s legacy.”


Malcolm Maloney s

Malcolm Maloney

Malcolm has been working in Geraldton district schools since 2012, and is currently at Champion Bay Senior High School as an Aboriginal & Islander Education Officer while completing his studies for his primary school teaching degree. “The Kate Mullin Scholarship has helped me significantly through 2020. With the COVID-19 pandemic, I was unsure whether I would be able to complete my final professional placement. Thankfully, there was no disruption to my course. As my placement was to go ahead, I definitely needed support throughout this time. My final placement was 10 weeks long and this meant I needed to take a substantial amount of leave without pay. The scholarship helped me with my everyday living expenses during this period. It also contributed to the many resources I used during my placement. Without the scholarship, completing the final parts of my Bachelor of Education would have been extremely difficult. After my final term of university, I plan to seek out full time employment as a teacher. I have had a couple of schools show interest in employing me for next year, so, hopefully, I will be able to gain a full-time position. I am looking forward to being a teacher in charge of their own classroom and learners. Without the support of the Kate Mullin Association, I have no idea what I would have done with regards to my University studies. The association contributed to my University success and my future success as a fully qualified teacher, and for that, I am extremely thankful.”

More information on the Scholarship can be found here: Scholarship Information