News – Brooke Cuthbertson

Brooke Cuthbertson awarded a Kate Mullin Scholarship

Brooke is in her final year studying for a B.Ed at Edith Cowan University (ECU).  Working as an Aboriginal Liaison Officer, she identified that the reading abilities of indigenous students were significantly less than non-Indigenous students at the school.  As a result she is very passionate about working closely with indigenous students, their families, and their communities to close the gap in education.   She understands the transformative impact that education can have on the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

She is currently employed as Program Coordinator for Shooting Stars in Collie Senior High School, where she works with over 40 Aboriginal girls, combining advocacy and support, engagement activities, motivators, and health and wellbeing sessions to strengthen students’ confidence, cultural identity, and positive attitudes, while promoting their health and wellbeing.  She aspires to use her teaching qualification to continue this important work within the Noongar community.

The Kate Mullin Scholarship will enable her to undertake her nine-week professional practicum and has inspired her to help others and to give back to the community when she graduates.