News – Jacqueline Hunter

Jacqueline is a Bardi person from the community of Ardiyooloon at One Arm Point, in the west Kimberley.  She has worked at the school there for about 20 years  – as a school officer, AIEO and Aboriginal Education Manager Program Coordinator.  She chose to work at the school as she loved working with children and wanted to support them with their education.

Her hobbies outside of work and studies are going out on country hunting, fishing, playing basketball, reading books, and doing art.  She is one of the artists of the community and some of her art works have gone internationally.

She enjoys the Curtin “On Country” Teaching program as it allows her to work and study online at home, as well as going to the campus to study face to face.  She chose to study education because she is passionate about the quality of education she can deliver to the children of One Arm Point.